quinta-feira, julho 29, 2004

Zim farmers find new home

Lagos - A group of 15 white Zimbabweans fleeing President Robert Mugabe's controversial programme of land reform have struck a deal with Nigerian officials to lease new farms, the group's leader said Wednesday.

Alan Jack said the farmers had each reached a deal with the government of central Nigeria's Kwara State to take separate 25-year leases on 1 000 hectare packets of fertile land and now hoped to start work in September.

"We are very excited about Nigeria and about being granted a pioneer status. The people are very friendly," he said in a telephone interview from his hotel room in Ilorin, capital of Kwara State.

"Nigeria is very good for farming, compared to Zimbabwe where land is forcefully taken from the whites and given to the blacks. I am a victim of President Mugabe's policy," he said.

The 15, who are currently visiting Nigeria, will farm maize, rice, cassava, dairy cattle, poultry and vegetables.

Nigerian officials said they hoped the Zimbabweans' expertise in commercial farming, and the investment they will bring, will allow them to boost maize yields, for example, from one tonne to between four and ten per hectare.

Kwara government spokesperson Tajudeen Kareem said in a statement that the group had met Governor Bukola Saraki on Tuesday and agreed to join him in making "a bold attempt at attaining food security and fighting rural poverty."

Thousands of white Zimbabweans driven from their homes

Thousands of white Zimbabweans, the descendants of colonial-era European settlers, have been driven from their farms since Mugabe instituted a policy of seizing and redistributing prime agricultural land to poor blacks.

Several other African countries, including Zambia and Mozambique, have seen an opportunity to benefit from the Zimbabweans' expertise, but Jack's group are the first to choose Nigeria, a country notorious for violence and corruption.

Saraki has, however, insisted that not only will his new guests be able to make a good living, but that the development that their large-scale farms will bring to rural Nigeria's peasant economy will help the population as a whole.

At least 90% of the manpower on the farms will be recruited locally and the farmers will be expected to buy as much seed, fertiliser and equipment as they can from Kwara and Nigerian suppliers, the statement said.

A community trust fund, run jointly by local stakeholders, will be established to build social facilities and infrastructure for the welfare of the host communities, according to the text of the deal.

The fund will be financed by a special levy fixed at one percent of the farmers' gross turnover, and a school to help transfer skills and technology to local entrepreneurs will also be established.

"We are convinced that Africa can only achieve sustainable development by first achieving food security," Saraki said.

The governor assured the Zimbabweans that government would protect their safety and their livelihoods.

"We shall protect you and your investment. We also expect you to give your best to this project," added Saraki.

The Zimbabweans, who are on their third visit to Nigeria, plan to return home on Friday before returning to Nigeria next month, Jack said.

- News 24

quarta-feira, julho 28, 2004

Transporte de mudanças

O ex Euro-Deputado JPP recebeu hoje as suas 'mudanças' vindas das terras bruxelenses!

Sr. ex Euro-Deputado, agradecesse que, da próxima vez que lhe despacharem mudanças, tenham em conta que os TIR são veículos non gratos nas ruas que ambos habitamos! Porque demasiado estreitas e condicionadas (não tiveream isso em conta?!!)

O referido TIR ia embicando na minha casa! E eu, a vê-lo passar!
Olhe que lhe apresentava a continha para pagar!

Do susto não me livrei!

terça-feira, julho 27, 2004

Conta a lenda que dormia
Uma Princesa encantada
A quem só despertaria
Um Infante, que viria
De além do muro da estrada

Ele tinha que, tentado,
Vencer o mal e o bem,
Antes que, já libertado,
Deixasse o caminho errado
Por o que à Princesa vem.

A Princesa Adormecida,
Se espera, dormindo espera,
Sonha em morte a sua vida,
E orna-lhe a fronte esquecida,
Verde, uma grinalda de hera.

Longe o Infante, esforçado,
Sem saber que intuito tem,
Rompe o caminho fadado,
Ele dela é ignorado,
Ela para ele é ninguém.

Mas cada um cumpre o Destino —
Ela dormindo encantada,
Ele buscando-a sem tino
Pelo processo divino
Que faz existir a estrada.

E, se bem que seja obscuro
Tudo pela estrada fora,
E falso, ele vem seguro,
E vencendo estrada e muro,
Chega onde em sono ela mora,

E, inda tonto do que houvera,
À cabeça, em maresia,
Ergue a mão, e encontra hera,
E vê que ele mesmo era
A Princesa que dormia.

- Álvaro de Campos

sexta-feira, julho 23, 2004

Carlos Paredes - A Imensidão do Silêncio


Pauis de roçarem ânsias pela minh' alma em ouro...

Dobre longínquo de Outros Sinos... Empalidece o louro

Trigo na cinza do poente... Corre um frio carnal por minh' alma...

Tão sempre a mesma, a Hora!... Balouçar de cimos de palma!

Silêncio que as folhas fitam em nós... Outono delgado

Oh que mudo grito de ânsia põe garras na Hora!

Que pasmo de mim anseia por outra coisa que o que chora!

Estendo as mãos para além, mas ao estendê-las já vejo

Que não é aquilo que quero aquilo que desejo...

Címbalos de Imperfeição... Ó tão antiguidade

A Hora expulsa de si-Tempo! Onda de recuo que invade

O meu abandonar-se a mim próprio até desfalecer,

E recordar tanto o Eu presente que me sinto esquecer!...

Fluido de auréola, transparente de Foi, oco de ter-se.

O Mistério sabe-me a eu ser outro... Luar sobre o não conter-se...

A sentinela é hirta - a lança que finca no chão

É mais alta do que ela... Para que é tudo isto.... Dia chão...

Trepadeiras de despropósitos lambendo de Hora os Aléns...

Horizontes fechando os olhos ao espaço em que são elos de ferro...

Fanfarras de ópios de silêncios futuros... Longes trens...

Portões vistos longe... através de árvores... tão de ferro!

- Fernando Pessoa

quinta-feira, julho 22, 2004

Nuno Melo eleito líder parlamentar do CDS-PP por unanimidade

O grupo parlamentar do CDS-PP elegeu hoje, por unanimidade, Nuno Melo como novo líder da bancada em substituição de Telmo Correia, que abandonou o Parlamento para integrar o Governo como ministro do Turismo.

Nuno Melo contou com os votos favoráveis dos 14 deputados da bancada do CDS-PP.

"Quero assegurar que vamos continuar a ser uma bancada da primeira linha no Parlamento português", disse Nuno Melo à Lusa, após a votação. "Tenho noção da grande responsabilidade que enfrento a partir deste momento", afirmou o novo líder parlamentar, sublinhando que já ocuparam este cargo personalidades como o actual presidente do partido, Paulo Portas, ou o presidente cessante da bancada, Telmo Correia.

Nuno Melo garantiu que está motivado para que o grupo parlamentar do CDS-PP "mantenha a sua eficácia e disponibilidade" e assegurou que os democratas-cristãos vão apresentar "propostas de grande qualidade" e bater-se por "uma maioria unida".

O novo líder parlamentar, que contou com o apoio da direcção do partido, apontou como primeira prioridade da bancada democrata-cristã, depois da sua eleição, a "defesa do programa de Governo", que será apresentado, discutido e votado no Parlamento na próxima terça e quarta-feira.

Nuno Melo deverá escolher os seus vice-presidentes depois das férias parlamentares. "Em Setembro ou Outubro será necessário escolher novos ’vices’ e proceder à redistribuição dos deputados pelas comissões", explicou.

Do grupo parlamentar do CDS-PP que terminou a sessão legislativa saem Telmo Correia (empossado ministro do Turismo), Diogo Feio (secretário de Estado da Educação no novo Governo de Pedro Santana Lopes) e Isabel Gonçalves.

Para os substituir entram, respectivamente, João Abrunhosa (suplente por Lisboa), José Marcelo Mendes Pinto (professor universitário eleito pelo Porto) e Celeste Cardona, eleita por Leiria, mas que manteve o mandato suspenso enquanto exerceu as funções de ministra da Justiça.

Nuno Melo, 38 anos, é advogado de profissão e desempenhava desde 2002 as funções de vice-presidente da bancada parlamentar. Líder da distrital de Braga do CDS-PP, foi eleito no último Congresso para a comissão política e conselho nacional do partido.

A partir de agora, terá também assento, por inerência, na comissão executiva, o núcleo duro de Paulo Portas, em cujas reuniões já participava alternadamente com o outro ex-vice presidente do grupo parlamentar Diogo Feio.

Sudan Calls U.S., British Pressure Unfair

Sudan's foreign minister accused the United States and Britain on Thursday of meddling in his country's humanitarian crisis, suggesting the two Western nations were repeating diplomatic steps they took before invading Iraq.

"The increase in pressure from the United States and Great Britain is ... the same as the increase in pressure that they put against Iraq," Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail said at a news conference in Paris.

Ismail also said Britain should think twice before choosing a course of action in Darfur, a vast region of Sudan where a 15-month conflict has killed up to 30,000 people, forced over 1 million to flee their homes and left 2.2 million in desperate need of food and medicine. The death toll could surge to more than 350,000 if aid doesn't reach more than 2 million people soon, the U.S. Agency for International Development has warned.

According to British press reports, Prime Minister Tony Blair was ruling out "absolutely nothing" in responding to the crisis. But Ismail suggested it would be a mistake for Blair to send troops.

"If he is going to send troops to Darfur, we will withdraw our troops and give him a chance to maintain security," Ismail said.

"You know what is going to happen in one or two months, these troops are going to be considered by the people of Darfur as occupying forces, and you'll have the same incidents you are facing in Iraq."

On Wednesday, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan warned that the international community may step in if Sudan's government doesn't act quickly to disarm Arab-backed militias in Darfur, where "systematic" human rights abuses are taking place.

Neither Annan nor his new special representative, Jan Pronk, set a deadline, but both said they want to see a rapid restoration of security in Darfur.

The Sudanese government has made "no progress whatsoever" in reining in the Janjaweed militia and other outlawed rebel groups as it promised in a July 3 agreement with Annan, though it has made progress in allowing humanitarian aid and workers into Darfur, Pronk said.

"The urgency is there and the Sudanese government doesn't have forever," Annan told a news conference after Pronk briefed the U.N. Security Council on the latest situation in Darfur.

"I regret to say that there are continuing reports of attacks by the Janjaweed," Annan said.

The secretary-general said the government as a first step should deploy the 6,000 police called for in the agreement, which could "dissuade attacks" and protect the people, many of whom are living "in sub-human conditions." But he stressed that this depends on having "the right kind of police" and Pronk said the initial deployment - which the government put at 3,600 officers - had not improved security.

The United States has been pushing for a U.N. Security Council resolution to impose sanctions on the Sudanese government, which has been accused of supporting Arab militias blamed for atrocities against the black African population.

But Ismail said a draft resolution being considered by the Security Council to place sanctions on Sudan if it fails to act against the militias would only complicate matters.

"I don't know how such a resolution can be effective. We don't need any resolutions," he said.

Secretary of State Colin Powell will meet Annan later Thursday to discuss what Danforth called the "monster" that the Sudanese government created. Both have made parallel fact-finding trips to Sudan.

Ismail said Sudan had arrested 100 members of the militia, known as Janjaweed, and was preparing to put them on trial. A day earlier, however, Pronk said the Sudanese government had made "no progress whatsoever" in reining in the militia.

Ismail said Sudan needed time to settle the problem.

In Geneva, African Union mediators hope to persuade rebel groups to resume peace talks, the organizers of a one-day meeting between the two groups said Thursday.

Talks to end the violence were suspended Saturday after just two days, as rebels claimed the Sudanese government has ignored existing peace agreements. They walked out of talks at the African Union headquarters at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, insisting the government fulfill a list of previous commitments before beginning a fresh round of negotiations.

The meditation team for Thursday's session in Geneva is led by Hamid Algabid, a former prime minister of Niger who is representing the African Union. The government of neighboring Chad and the United Nations are also represented on the team. The international facilitators are the United States, the European Union and the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue.

Pope John Paul II sent a special emissary Thursday to Darfur to express his solidarity with the stricken population and urged the Sudanese government to put an end to human rights violation.

"The serious humanitarian situation in Darfur, which has recently stirred up a public outcry, is a cause of great concern" for the pope, said the Vatican's secretary of state, Cardinal Angelo Sodano.

PARIS (AP) - Associated Press writer Edith M. Lederer contributed to this report.

terça-feira, julho 20, 2004


Fazem hoje 35 anos que o primeiro ser humano pisou a superfície lunar!

Como disse na altura Neil Armstrong:
"A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind!"

Man in the Moon

On a cold desperate night
My Eyes did turn to heaven
And there I did spot
A Friend in the Moon

"Friend," did I plee
"Why are you showing
That kind hearted smile?
Is there something you see?

"Perhaps a couple
Strolling in love?
Or a small deer
Being born in a grove?

"Man in the Moon,
Answer me please.
Why it's starting to look
Like your laughing at me?!

"Oh dear Man,
How can you turn?
I who adore you,
As you smirk on the moon.

"Your eyes
They are shaded.
Your sneer,
It is jaded.

- Ancient Cree Moon Chant
Occidental still upbeat on Libyan oil deals

WASHINGTON, July 19 (Reuters) - U.S. oil company Occidental Petroleum Corp. (NYSE:OXY - News) continues to "actively negotiate" upstream oil concessions in Libya, where it was forced to leave in 1986 due to U.S. government sanctions against the North African country, the company's chairman and chief executive said Monday.

"We've been gone 18 years so it takes a while to get everything in order. Things are moving and we do expect to go back and expand," Chairman and CEO Ray Irani told analysts on a conference call.

U.S. oil companies, including Los Angeles-based Occidental, ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP - News), Marathon Oil Corp. (NYSE:MRO - News) and Amerada Hess Corp. (NYSE:AHC - News), earlier this year began negotiations to resume operating at oil fields in Libya they left behind in 1986. The companies got the go ahead from the U.S. government to resume talks after diplomatic relations between Libya and the United states began to normalize with Libya's late 2003 renouncement of its program to develop weapons of mass destruction.

Irani said there have been no contractual or physical hindrances to the negotiations, even though no upstream deals have been struck yet. He implied negotiations could take longer because Oxy wants a larger stake in Libya's upstream production this time around.

"I don't see problems, I see opportunities. The facilities are in reasonably good shape. We're looking at a bigger presence than when we left," Irani said, adding this would require new technologies and additional capital.

Recent studies by the company indicate it would be able to fund an enlarged position in Libya with internal cash flow, Irani said.

While Libya has been courting international oil companies to invest in its relatively unexplored offshore oil sector, Irani said Oxy focus its efforts on onshore concessions because of its familiarity with the fields.

- Reuters

segunda-feira, julho 19, 2004

30 Anos a contribuir para a Democracia em Portugal

Novo Link
Portugal Liberal

sexta-feira, julho 16, 2004


Quando se pronunciou sobre a “arrogância” e o “unilateralismo” americano, que, pelos vistos, “detesta”, (não percebo se na época da Cimeira das Lajes essa “arrogância” era menor), o futuro Presidente da Comissão Europeia atacou a política externa portuguesa, criando dificuldades para Portugal.

JPP refere que José Manuel Barroso, pressuposto futuro presidente da Comissão Europeia, criou dificuldades à Política Externa Portuguesa, ao afirmar a arrogância e o unilateralismo norte-americano; está a atribui credibilidade a JM Barroso!
Bom está de ver que, quem diz algo e no mesmo fôlego, o seu oposto! De credibilidade só mesmo nas unhas dos pés, após cortadas, deixa de existir.
Um indíviduo que foge às suas responsabilidades governativas (por cansaço, por interesses pessoais, por estratégia, ou seja qual for o motivo) não pode, de forma alguma, gozar de credibilidade e muito menos arrogar-se carácter!
Daí que as afirmações que produziu em relação aos EUA, sejam apenas e somente um arroto narcísico, de quem diz algo (que agrade ao eixo franco-alemão), para que conste que algo afirmou!
Contudo, José Manuel Barroso, tem de acautelar-se, uma vez que este tipo de afirmações poderão custar-lhe muito caro, a ele pessoalmente.
Não é Portugal quem fica em dificuldades no que toca à sua política externa, no seu relacionamento com os EUA, tais afirmações em nada dificultarão esse entendimento! Ao invés, deixará bem claro que Portugal, é um País de Diplomatas, com capacidades, que não sai desvalorizado por afirmações 'cobardes' vindas de um ex-governante foragido às suas responsabilidades.
Uma coisa é certa, caro JPP, nos EUA ainda existem pessoas sérias que sabem descortinar entre pessoas com carácter e credibilidade, e quem não as tendo, se arroga ter!
Não tomarão a nuvem por Juno!
Aliás, Portugal já nada tem a ver com esse senhor, à excepção de: ser um cidadão europeu, com nacionalidade portuguesa.

quinta-feira, julho 15, 2004

A JPT - Ma-Schamba

Eles não sabem que o sonho   
é uma constante da vida   
tão concreta e definida   
como outra coisa qualquer,   
como esta pedra cinzenta   
em que me sento e descanso,   
como este ribeiro manso   
em serenos sobressaltos,   
como estes pinheiros altos   
que em verde e oiro se agitam,   
como estas aves que gritam   
em bebedeiras de azul.   
Eles não sabem que o sonho   
é vinho, é espuma, é fermento,   
bichinho álacre e sedento,   
de focinho pontiagudo,   
que fossa através de tudo   
num perpetuo movimento.   
Eles não sabem que o sonho   
é tela, é cor, é pincel,   
base, fuste, capitel,   
arco em ogiva, vitral,   
pináculo de catedral,   
contraponto, sinfonia,   
máscara grega, magia,   
que é retorta de alquimista,   
mapa do mundo distante,   
rosa-dos-ventos, Infante,   
caravela quinhentista,   
que é Cabo da Boa Esperança,   
ouro, canela, marfim,   
florete de espadachim,   
bastidor, passo de dança,   
Colombina e Arlequim,   
passarola voadora,   
para-raios, locomotiva,   
barco de proa festiva,   
alto-forno, geradora,   
cisão do átomo, radar,   
ultra-som, televisão,   
desembarque em foguetão   
na superfície lunar.   
Eles não sabem, nem sonham,   
que o sonho comanda a vida.   
Que sempre que um homem sonha   
o mundo pula e avança   
como bola colorida   
entre as mãos duma criança."

- António Gedeão, Pedra Filosofal

Tributo a um Homem de Carácter

José Pacheco Pereira tomou, hoje, a atitude de um Homem de Carácter.

Ainda há pessoas desta envergadura.

Sinceros respeitos.

Não me calo, por mais que, com o dedo
Tocando a boca ou fronte levemente,
Silêncio avises ou ameaces medo,

Não há-de haver um 'spírito valente?
O que se diz sempre se sentirá,
E nunca se dirá o que se sente?

Sem medo hoje que livre ofender vá,
Pode falar o engenho, confiado
Em que mor força o não ameaçará.

Em outras eras pôde ser pecado
Severo estudo, e a verdade nua;
E rompe o silêncio o bem falado.

Pois saiba quem o nega, ou o insinua,
Que língua a verdade é de Deus severo,
E que nunca foi muda a língua sua.

quarta-feira, julho 14, 2004


Quem disse alguma vez que há deuses lá nos céus?
Não há, não há, não há. Não deixem que ninguém,
mesmo crente sincero nessas velhas fábulas,
com elas vos engane e vos iluda ainda.
Olhai o que acontece, e dai a quanto digo
a fé que isto merece: eu afirmo que os reis
matam, roubam, saqueiam à traição cidades,
e, assim fazendo, vivem muito mais felizes
que quantos dia a dia pios são e justos.
Quantas nações pequenas, bem fieis aos deuses,
sujeitas são dos ímpios com poder e força,
vencidas por exércitos que as escravizam.
E vós, se em vez de trabalhar rezais aos deuses,
e deixais de lutar para ganhar a vida,
aprendereis que os deuses não existem. Que
todas as divindades significam só
a sorte, boa ou má, que temos neste mundo.

- Eurípedes

terça-feira, julho 13, 2004

Turning the tables on Nigeria's e-mail conmen

Mike is a "scambaiter," dedicated to fighting back against those who send out the notorious 419 e-mails, promising untold wealth to anyone gullible or naive enough to disclose their bank details.
Mike asked us not to use his full name because he's dealing with some heavy cross-border criminals.

Those who fall for the 419 cons are hoping for millions

His group of volunteers at 419eater.com use their computer skills to fool the scammers, to disrupt their crimes, and to have some fun at the scammer's expense.

Every day, millions of people get e-mails like this:

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am fine today and how are you? I hope this letter will find you in the best of health. I am Prince Joe Eboh, the Chairman of the "Contract Award Committee", of the "Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC)", a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

NDDC was set up by the late Head of State, General Sani Abacha who died on 18th June 1998, to manage the excess revenue accruing from the sales of Petroleum and its allied products as a domestic increase in the petroleum products to develop the communities in the Niger Delta Oil producing areas. The estimated annual revenue for 1999 was $45 Billion US Dollars...

And of course, if you were only willing to help the writer siphon some of it off, a few of those many millions could be yours.

Painted breast

Mike told me how he baited the writer of the e-mail above, Prince Joe Eboh.

"I'm sure he's not a prince at all," Mike says. "He contacted me with a standard 419 [so-called after a section of Nigeria's legal code] scam.

I have been troubled recently after the death of a dear friend of mine, Minnie Mowse

'Father Hector Barnett'
"I tried to turn it round by saying I worked for a church and we couldn't do any business with people who are not of our faith."

Mike sent a response in the name of Father Hector Barnett of the Church of the Painted Breast.

Dear Sir,
I would dearly love to help you. If you ever decide to join our faith then of course I could help you both with my experience and financial support. I wish you well in your endeavour my brother.

Yours, Father Hector Barnett

"Now I knew the guy would write back and say: 'Well, can I join your faith?' and indeed he did," says Mike.

Dear Father Hector,
If joining your faith is what it takes to help me of course, I am ready to join you. I'm from a good Christian family. I will do anything you want me to do in the faith. Don't forget that I have to transfer the money to your account as urgently as possible. Send me your account details. I hope to read your mail soon.

Prince Joe Eboh


Dear Joe,
Our ministry was founded in 1774 by a wonderful lady by the name of Betsy Carrington. She spent many of her first preaching years in Kenya, spreading the holy gospel amongst the local people there. She was the first person male or female to promote Christian texts and beliefs to the Masai warrior tribe.

Breast 'initiation ceremony'

The most famous account is when as a test she had to remove the top part of her clothes and paint the top half of her body and breast with the red Masai war-paint as a gesture of faith and belief to them so that they would accept her and trust her. She was almost immediately accepted by them and was one of the most trusted westerners known at that time.

As a qualification to enter the Holy Church of The Order of The Red Breast, all followers must go through the initiation procedure that Miss Carrington made so famous. I have attached a photograph of four of our young inductees going through the procedure.

Please use this picture to enable you to make the same marking on yourself. I have also attached a small picture showing the design in more detail. I look forward to welcoming you into our membership my brother.

Father Hector Barnett Financial Development - Holy Church of The Order of The Red Breast.

'Processing fees'

Using image software, Mike made up an "initiation" picture. And Prince Joe duly carried out the induction and e-mailed back a photo of himself in the properly sanctified state.

Dear Brother Hector,
I want to thank the Almighty God himself for the opportunity I have to be a member of this great church The Holy Church Of The Painted Breast. I'm looking forward to establishing a branch of the Church here. But I'll like us to finish everything about the business proposal, which I sent to you earlier...

"He then tried to hit me for $18,000 for processing fees for transferring millions," Mike says.

He wrote back as Father Hector, saying that the church had plenty of money, but there was a withdrawal fee of $80.

"I persuaded him to send me the $80, which he did, inside a birthday card, by courier," Mike says.

He and his volunteers give any money they get from these reverse stings to a children's charity in the north of England.

Exporting snow

Father Hector of the Church of the Painted Breast then entered a troubling period of religious uncertainty.

Dear Joe,
This is your good friend Hector Barnett. Please do not be alarmed that I am contacting you from a different e-mail address. I will explain what has happened.

The guy obviously thought he was going to get $18,000 so easily, he was blinded by his own greed

I have been troubled recently after the death of a dear friend of mine, Minnie Mowse. She was a very, very dear friend indeed, and her death affected me greatly and started to make me question my faith. I have decided to leave the church and join a travelling circus.

I have already made two very good friends, and tomorrow I will be starting my circus training with them...

Prince Joe then began receiving e-mails from another "Reverend" of the Church of the Painted Breast worried about the disappearance of Father Hector and $18,000 from church funds.

Joe already knew from Hector's increasingly eccentric e-mails that he had put the money into a business exporting snow to Siberia.

Lottery winnings

Despite that, Prince Joe still hasn't given up, even though he's $80 down. The e-mail exchange between the probably fake prince and the obviously fake church continues.

At the same time, the scambaiters are running several other such stings.

I asked Mike why these people who are themselves scammers can't spot an obvious scam.

"I think it operates in much the same way as it does with real victims. Greed clouds their judgement. The guy obviously thought he was going to get $18,000 so easily, he was blinded by his own greed.

"Which is what happens to those who fall for the 419 scams; they just see all these millions."

This would all be funny if it wasn't for the millions of dollars being stolen and probably put into drugs or other criminal activities.

Mike and his friends send all their e-mail exchanges to the police in the UK, Nigeria and to the FBI - he says they've had no response. And even warning the victims does no good. Most of them don't want to believe they're being scammed.

The latest e-mail scam concerns lottery winnings you didn't know you had.

If you're tempted, just remember Prince Joe who's still sending e-mails saying he's sticking to his promise and saying the daily prayer: "When all above seems a great test, Get on down with the Holy Red Breast."

Dear Father,
When I said the prayer this morning, something like a fountain went down my system making me to feel strong & happy. I have spent money to process all the necessary documents for the transfer of this fund. What remains now is the registration of your name as the contractor who executed the contract.

Yours, Joe.

segunda-feira, julho 12, 2004

CAA - A Vida feita de Momentos

CAA decidiu dar por finda a sua presença, a título permanente, na Blogosfera. As suas reflexões enriqueciam as formas de pensar as questões.
Fica mais pobre a Blogosfera, mas a vida 'real' tem sempre prioridade. E são essas prioridades que têm de ser ponderadas.
Voltará: quando o tempo arranjar tempo!

Rodin, o pensador

Entre as mil e seiscentas disponíveis
escolhí esta manhã a pedra para o meu trabalho,
a única com o mistério de um coração a pulsar-lhe
nas entranhas e a que só poderei responder com a dimensão
do silêncio. Quando posicionar o escropo
sei que irei ver a luz jorrar desse primeiro orifício,
depois a treva incontornável, mais tarde
uma espécie desconhecida de linguagem que me avassalará
e atingirá também o silêncio
o meu coração. Por muito que me perscrute a memória,
por mais evocações que procure na alma, sei bem como tinge
as mãos
este inefável sentimento de abandono, esta voz
silenciada que sinto na cabeça
como um puro sinal de asfixia, uma marca
áugure de nascença. O que resultar da pedra,
tal como o pó regressa ao pó, hei-de ser eu a morrer
pelo tempo dos tempos, como algo pensado para além de mim
a agir sobre o que fui quando já não existir eu próprio, a pedra,
a linguagem com que comuniquei com que os talvez
não entendessem
que foi o amor que fez esculpir a vida
nesta pedra, que só aparentemente está no coração
que pulsa.

- Amadeu Baptista

domingo, julho 11, 2004


Foi ontem aprovado em Conselho de Ministros um Decreto-Lei, contendo a nova regulamentação da caça, que durante vários meses foi discutida e consensualizada com as organizações interessadas no sector. O novo diploma que inova em várias matérias relacionadas com a actividade cinegética, simplifica e desburocratiza substancialmente os procedimentos associados à administração e gestão da caça bem como à criação e renovação das zonas ordenadas, transfere para as associações de caçadores uma parte das responsabilidades até agora assegurada pelo Estado e alarga e facilita a concretização do direito à não caça e o respeito pela propriedade privada.

Além disso, entre muitas outras alterações, o novo Decreto-Lei, que só entrará em vigor depois de promulgado pelo Senhor Presidente da República, altera substancialmente as condições e o sistema de licenciamento para as zonas de caça turística e permite a exploração económica mais intensiva da actividade cinegética, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento das zonas rurais, designadamente no interior do País.

Lisboa, 2 de Julho de 2004

Finalmente a reforma da ignominosa legislação que permitia aos 'srs. caçadores' a desfaçatez de adentrarem na propriedade privada de outrém sem autorização e destruirem tudo à sua passagem!
Uma pouca vergonha que, espera-se, venha a ser alterada com o novo Diploma!

Recordo um caso concreto que foi-me contado, em que, no momento da abertura da caça, os indíviduos munidos de escopeta, entraram pelos terrenos de cultivo adentro, destruindo a cultura que nos mesmos existia! Os prejuízos foram imensos!

Há segunda oportunidade, o proprietário dos mesmos lá estava, 'para dar as boas vindas' aos transgressores! De pressão de ar em punho, 'alegremente' lembrou aos indesejados visitantes que se dessem mais um passo dentro da sua propriedade: 'assobiava'!

Com um pouco de bom-senso, os incómodos visitantes lá se afastaram!

Um total desrespeito pela propriedade privada! Que soprem 'novos bons ventos'!
Congo excluded from diamond's trade

The Republic of Congo has been removed from a list of countries recognised to be dealing legitimately in diamonds.

The decision has been taken by the international body set up to curb the trade in so-called conflict diamonds, used to fund wars.

The action was prompted by accusations that the west African state was smuggling gems on to the world market.

Its suspension from the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme means it cannot trade with other member states.

Kimberley Process officials said Congo had been unable to explain the origin of the number of rough diamonds it exported.

Investigators concluded that it had been smuggling diamonds from other African countries and sending them through Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates to avoid detection.

Congo's neighbour, the Democratic Republic of Congo, has long accused Congo of smuggling diamonds from its territory.

"Kimberley Process participants need to have complete confidence that conflict diamonds are not entering the legitimate trade," said Tim Martin, the organisation's chairman.

"The removal of the Republic of Congo from the list of participants is necessary to safeguard the credibility and integrity of the KPCS."

Mr Martin said Congo would be allowed to rejoin the process "when it is in a position to fully implement the requirements of the certification scheme".

"We observe that certain member countries have been wanting to exclude us," Congo mines ministry official Louis-Marie Djama was quoted by Associated Press news agency as saying.

Exclusion means Congo cannot trade diamonds with the process' 43 member states, which account for over 98% of the world's diamond trade.

- KBC Business

sábado, julho 10, 2004

Maria de Lurdes Pintasilgo

A única Primeira-Ministra que Portugal teve.
Faleceu hoje, vítima de ataque cardíaco.
À mulher que se dedicou aos seus concidadãos, um tributo:

Bebido o luar, ébrios de horizontes,
Julgamos que viver era abraçar
O rumor dos pinhais, o azul dos montes
E todos os jardins verdes do mar.

Mas solitários somos e passamos,
Não são nossos os frutos nem as flores,
O céu e o mar apagam-se exteriores
E tornam-se os fantasmas que sonhamos.

Por que jardins que nós não colheremos,
Límpidos nas auroras a nascer,
Por que o céu e o mar se não seremos
Nunca os deuses capazes de os viver.

- Bebido o Luar, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen

sexta-feira, julho 09, 2004

Temas para mais (B)logo

O Diploma sobre a Reserva Cinegética (a 'Caça'), e o 'afastamento' do actual Administrador-Executivo da TAP!

Uma Editora recente - constituida em 2003, mas já com uma 'invejável' projecção!

Excelentes títulos (encontram lá publicado o 'livrinho' do amigo CAA - « É DIFÍCIL SER LIBERAL EM PORTUGAL » de Carlos de Abreu Amorim.

Com conteúdo, boas escolhas editoriais, e uma estética muito actual, muito contemporânea!

Parabéns ao Jorge Ferreira pela aposta que fez!
Vai por certo alargar os horizontes da livresca jurídica em Portugal!
Votos de grandes sucessos!

«O Espírito das Leis» é a obra imortal de Montesquieu. Matriz do moderno pensamento liberal, a teoria da separação dos poderes marca indelevelmente os grandes sistemas de direito contemporâneo e tem como paradigma a prioridade do Homem sobre o poder.
O advento do milénio, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e as mutações políticas, económicas e sociais vieram colocar problemas novos ao Direito, que é por excelência uma das expressões dos valores de cada sociedade e ao Legislador. Parece-nos, pois, oportuno e necessário contribuir activamente para o debate público destes temas que a todos interpelam.
A história, a política, a economia, a religião, a psicologia, até a ciência exercem uma influência determinante sobre os órgãos políticos que têm a incumbência de legislar e de assim construirem o Direito.
O Espírito das Leis Editora será um espaço pluralista de pensamento, reflexão e debate sobre os caminhos do futuro, onde terão acolhimento todas as correntes de pensamento sobre os mais variados temas da justiça, do direito e das leis.
Abuses common' in Mugabe's Zimbabwe

A human rights report that Zimbabwe succeeded in suppressing at this week's African Union (AU) summit vividly supports, longstanding criticisms of President Robert Mugabe's flagrant abuse of power.

The AU refused to release and discuss the report on a technicality, buckling to Zimbabwe's protests that it was not given the opportunity to respond to the allegations contained in the report.

Foreign Minister Stan Mudenge has since promised his government will respond to the report, compiled by the AU's African Commission on Human and People's Rights, " within days".

But an executive summary of the report, discussed by AU foreign ministers, and obtained by Business Day yesterday, details the Zimbabwean government's role in the land seizures, torture, arbitrary arrests, repressive legislation, political in tolerance and assaults on the media as well as on the judiciary.

"Zimbabwe needs help to withdraw from the precipice," says the report's summary, the first hard-hitting document on Zimbabwe by the AU.

"The country is in need of mediators and reconcilers who are dedicated to promoting dialogue and better understanding."

The summary says that while the land question needed to be addressed, it must be done in an orderly and legal manner.

The c ommission visited Zimbabwe and compiled the report in 2002, at the height of the land invasions and the political intolerance which had been brought about by the elections.

"There was enough evidence placed before the mission to suggest that, at the very least during the period under review, human rights violations occurred in Zimbabwe.

"The mission was presented with testimony from witnesses who were victims of torture while in police custody.

"There was evidence that arbitrary arrests took place," the summary says.

It said it was alarmed by the arrest of journalists and especially by the arrest of the president of the Law Society of Zimbabwe.

While there have been allegations by the opposition about human rights violations by ruling Zanu (PF) activists, the report said it was not able to find definitively that this was an orchestrated policy.

Nevertheless, the report concluded, "the mission is prepared and able to rule that the government cannot wash its hands from responsibility for all these happenings".

- Business Day

quinta-feira, julho 08, 2004

"E agora para os meus amiguinhos..!"

Era assim que Henrique Mendes iniciava os seus programas infantis!
Foi-se hoje, mas, também ainda hoje, lembro as suas palavras.
Obrigada! Por aqueles momentos que marcaram a minha infância, onde tudo era muito mais simples, mais fácil, mais verdadeiro.
Há momentos assim.

a tua tristeza - e canta

(os ombros modulam o vento
modulam a noite
a soberana voz
dos horizontes)

a tua tristeza - e canta

- Zeto Cunha Gonçalves
African Union has tough choices

Africa knows conflicts – over 30 wars in the past 40 years. It knows political duplicity to cling to power. It is also wise on poverty and starvation – and Aids. Fighting hand-in-hand the scourge of hunger and Aids pandemic, a green revolution – the continent’s own a la Asia, strengthening healthcare and nutrition, removing economic stagnation caused by poor infrastructure, massive environmental degradation, and above all, regional integration towards more effective and more equal participation in the world economy in the face of globalisation – the 53-member African Union faces tough choices.
The third summit of African Heads of States in Addis Ababa is beset with the crisis in Sudan, intermittent conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Eritrea, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Burundi, Rwanda, Comoros, Liberia, border tensions between Ethiopia and Eritrea, and the collapse of economy in Somalia – as well as Harare which is accused of human rights abuses and political intolerance. The instability has cost the continent an estimated $201 billion.
In the case of the Congo-Rwanda dispute, the union has encouraged ways of easing mutual tensions – the type of diplomacy that’s developing as one of its most effective tools in reshaping the continent in the 21st century.
But like its predecessor – the Organisation of African Unity – the union has yet to find its rightful place in the global economic and political power equation. It has yet to acquire the resources to shape and lead Africa’s democratic processes. The union is a vastly expanded mandate from the OAU. Loosely based on the European Union model, it is Africa’s own experience, with its own economic rescue plan, reforms and mechanism to scrutinise everything – from bureaucratic transparency to the ‘grey’ areas such as civil rights – in order to accelerate good governance and squarely confront socio-economic challenges.
The OAU achieved the mission of African unity in the midst of colonialism and oppression. But the liberation failed to bring peace and prosperity. Now the three-year old union launched amid fanfare in Durban is struggling to go beyond the diplomatic niceties and make some tough decisions to consolidate the gains of the OAU. It has to ensure political and economic unity – a long- cherished dream of Africans – while accelerating the pace for sustainable economic development, peace and stability, and quality life across the continent.
Africa has seen many false starts in the last few decades. Fortunately, leaders are showing commitment to doing things differently. Hard decisions are imperative due to internal and external pressures that force Africa to realise the collective realities and the dangers of tiptoeing around them. The quest for unity has historical resonance – Pan-Africanism is rooted in civil society and popular struggle – and it befalls on the union to tap into this tradition of grassroots mobilisation to achieve the Africans’ aspirations for democratic institutions.
The moot question: Are governments ready to resolve the polemic issue of dilution of their sovereignty that the union entails? The union is too important to be their exclusive purview. The union is dominated by elected leaders, but the old-fashioned rulers among members are responsible for its image problem. Africa is again at a crossroads. Its time has come to look further inwards – through consensus, regional institutional capacities and result-oriented coalitions – to overcome cynicism. It is a tall order that cannot be achieved quickly.
True, the continent is conscious of its potential and the need to invest its best efforts. But how far goes the union, which is a manifestation of the collective demand for standing and addressing the problems together – is what matters.

- Bahrain Tribune
Former Enron CEO to Face Criminal Charges

Federal prosecutors are preparing to announce criminal charges against former Enron Corp. chief executive Kenneth L. Lay as early as Thursday, according to sources involved in the two-and-a-half year old investigation.

Lay, 62, has been under government scrutiny since the dramatic collapse of the energy giant in December 2001. In recent months, a grand jury in Houston has heard evidence from a series of former employees who allegedly alerted Lay to mounting financial problems that summer. Lay, who founded Enron and built it into a large energy trader before stepping down as CEO, took over again as chief executive in August, after the sudden resignation of his successor.

The exact charges could not be determined. The Houston Chronicle reported on its Web site late this afternoon that the Enron grand jury had handed down a sealed indictment. Investigators have probed a series of optimistic statements Lay made to analysts and employees in the months before Enron filed for bankruptcy protection, which cost thousands of workers their jobs and pension savings. Lay also sold millions of dollars of Enron stock back to the company between August and December 2001, using a revolving line of credit as an "ATM machine," in the words of one board member.

Lay has strongly denied wrongdoing through his lawyer Michael Ramsey, who told The Washington Post last month that Lay had been duped by underlings and that he sold stock only to cover losses in volatile technology investments. Moreover, Ramsey said, Lay held on to millions of dollars of Enron shares as the stock price dropped, losing potential profits in the process.

A spokeswoman for Lay declined comment, as did prosecutors, who are barred from talking about pending charges.

So far the Justice Department's Enron Task Force has charged 30 other people connected to the company with conspiracy and other crimes, 11 of whom have been found or pleaded guilty. Among the government's chief cooperating witnesses are former chief financial officer Andrew S. Fastow, former treasurer Ben F. Glisan, and former corporate secretary Paula H. Rieker.

The Securities and Exchange Commission will bring related civil charges against Lay, according to the sources, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because of the secrecy cloaking grand jury proceedings. During Enron's heyday, when the firm reported revenues that ranked it seventh on the Fortune 500 list of publicly-traded companies, Lay cultivated close ties to the Bush administration and traveled the world to meet with power brokers and charity leaders.

Charges against Lay could be added to a case filed earlier this year against his former protege, Jeffrey K. Skilling, and former Enron chief accounting officer Richard A. Causey. Skilling and Causey, who have denied wrongdoing, could face trial as early as 2005.

- By Carrie Johnson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 7, 2004; 5:27 PM

quarta-feira, julho 07, 2004

Vivam Apenas

Vivam, apenas
Sejam bons como o sol.
Livres como o vento.
Naturais como as fontes

Imitem as árvores dos caminhos
que dão flores e frutos
sem complicações.

Mas não queiram convencer os cardos
a transformar os espinhos
em rosas e canções.

E principalmente não pensem na Morte.
Não sofram por causa dos cadáveres
que só são belos
quando se desenham na terra em flores.

Vivam, apenas.

A Morte é para os mortos!

- José Gomes Ferreira
Annan chides Africa’s stubborn strongmen

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan chided Africa’s leaders yesterday, saying that while the continent was making progress with democracy, too many of them were using constitutional gimmicks and political repression to cling to power.

“Let us pledge that the days of indefinite one-man or one-party state are behind us,” Annan told the annual summit of the African Union. “There is no truer wisdom, and no clearer mark of statesmanship, than knowing when to pass the torch to a new generation.”
Annan’s audience in Addis Ababa included Zimbabwe’s 80-year-old President Robert Mugabe — in power since 1980 and accused by the opposition of an increasingly oppressive crackdown — and Swaziland’s King Mswati II, sub-Saharan Africa’s last absolute monarch who has waved away calls for direct democracy in his small kingdom.
Mswati, for one, did not applaud Annan’s remarks on democracy.
Annan said more African countries than ever were holding multi-party elections, while others were looking at constitutional reforms to deepen popular representation.
But problems remain, particularly with governments that try to influence the courts, muzzle the media and clamp down on real political opposition, he added.
“Politics must be inclusive, and a careful institutional balance must be preserved — including regular free and fair elections, a credible opposition whose role is respected, an independent judiciary which upholds the rule of law (and) a free and independent press,” Annan said.
“Democracy is not perfect, and democratisation is not easy. But the more accountable governments are, the more likely they are to be responsive to the needs of their people.”
While the AU is now dominated by democratically elected leaders such as South Africa’s Thabo Mbeki, Mozambique’s Joaquim Chissano and Nigeria’s Olusegun Obasanjo, it still counts a raft of old-school rulers among its members.
Togo’s President Gnassingbe Eyadema is the continent’s longest serving head of state, holding power in the small West African country since he seized power in a coup in 1967. Libya’s Moammar Gaddafi — who is skipping the AU summit this year — has been in power since 1969.
Gabon’s President Omar Bongo, also in power since 1967, changed the constitution to remove any limits on presidential terms in office, a move also attempted by a number of other African presidents, and criticized by Annan on Tuesday.
“Let us always remember that constitutions are for the long term benefit of society, not the short-term goals of the ruler,” Annan said.
The authoritarian rulers are an image problem for the AU, formed two years ago to replace the largely ineffectual Organisation of African Unity with a mandate to push for good governance and squarely confront Africa’s challenges.
Africa’s home-grown economic rescue plan, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (Nepad), is also promoting governance reform and has set up a peer review mechanism under which African leaders are due to be rated on everything from bureaucratic transparency to civil rights.
Mozambique’s Chissano, the outgoing AU president, urged his fellow leaders to heed Annan’s advice and noted that he himself was stepping down and would be replaced in democratic elections later this year.
“Some of us felt that he was pointing with his finger to those of us who are not following the correct direction,” Chissano told the summit after Annan’s speech, saying Africa’s stubborn strongmen could face more tough talk in future.
“We want to point the finger at each other, to help each other do better,” he said.

– At Addis Ababa, Reuters

terça-feira, julho 06, 2004

on all that strand
at end of day
steps sole sound
long sole sound
until unbidden stay
then no sound
on all that strand
long no sound
until unbidden go
steps sole sound
long sole sound
on all that strand
at end of day

- Samuel Beckett

segunda-feira, julho 05, 2004

Vitamins slow AIDS among Africans

Results probably can't be duplicated in U.S., where deficiencies less common

A study of HIV-infected African women found that daily doses of multivitamins appear to slow down the disease and cut the risk of developing AIDS in half.

The researchers who conducted the study in Tanzania suggested that vitamin supplements could be used in developing countries to delay the need for AIDs drugs, saving them for use at more advanced stages and avoiding their side effects.

“It’s a low-cost intervention that could result in major savings and be helpful to many individuals in terms of better quality of life,” said Dr. Wafaie Fawzi of Harvard School of Public Health, who led the study reported in today’s New England Journal of Medicine.

The results in Africa probably cannot be duplicated in the United States, where people already take vitamins and nutritional deficiencies are less common, he said.

Fawzi stressed that the vitamins are not a substitute for powerful AIDS drugs, which are used once an HIV infection reaches later stages. Until recently, AIDS drugs were not available to most people in Tanzania, and they were not available when the study was done, he said.

So the researchers at Harvard and in Tanzania set out in 1995 to determine whether vitamins would benefit a group of HIV-infected pregnant women. The 1,078 women received either a multivitamin, a multivitamin with vitamin A, vitamin A alone or a dummy pill.

The women were followed for about six years. Eighteen of the 271 women who took multivitamins, or 7 percent, developed AIDS, compared with 31 of the 267 women, or 12 percent, who took a dummy pill. Nineteen percent in the multivitamin group and 25 percent in the comparison group died, but the difference was not statistically significant.

The women on multivitamins also had fewer late-stage complications such as fatigue, diarrhea and mouth ulcers and lower levels of the virus in their blood.

By Stephanie Nano / Associated Press

sábado, julho 03, 2004

Marlon Brando

sexta-feira, julho 02, 2004

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen

Dai-nos Senhor a paz que vos pedimos
A paz sem vencedor e sem vencidos
Que o tempo que nos deste seja um novo
Recomeço de esperança e de justiça.
Dai-nos Senhor a paz que vos pedimos

A paz sem vencedor e sem vencidos

Erguei o nosso ser à transparência
Para podermos ler melhor a vida
Para entendermos vosso mandamento
Para que venha a nós o vosso reino
Dai-nos Senhor a paz que vos pedimos

A paz sem vencedor e sem vencidos

Fazei Senhor que a paz seja de todos
Dai-nos a paz que nasce da verdade
Dai-nos a paz que nasce da justiça
Dai-nos a paz chamada liberdade
Dai-nos Senhor a paz que vos pedimos

A paz sem vencedor e sem vencidos

Se todo o ser ao vento abandonamos
E sem medo nem dó nos destruímos,
Se morremos em tudo o que sentimos
E podemos cantar, é porque estamos
Nus em sangue, embalando a própria dor
Em frente às madrugadas do amor.
Quando a manhã brilhar refloriremos
E a alma possuirá esse esplendor
Prometido nas formas que perdemos.

Aqui nesta praia onde
Não há nenhum vestígio de impureza,
Aqui onde há somente
Ondas tombando ininterruptamente,
Puro espaço e lúcida unidade,
Aqui o tempo apaixonadamente
Encontra a própria liberdade.
"Quo vadis, Domine?"
Mota Amaral: parlamentos nacionais perderam competências para instituições europeias

O presidente da Assembleia da República, Mota Amaral, defendeu hoje em Haia que o alargamento da competência legislativa da União Europeia não deve ser feito à custa das competências reservadas dos parlamentos nacionais face aos respectivos governos.


- Lusa
Olh'ó Tacho

Member States bargain over top jobs

EU's compromise choice for top job faces rocky road ahead

- 30 June 2004

European Commission president Jose Manuel Durao Barroso will face the unenviable task of reinvigorating the European Union and healing its deep divisions when he assumes the bloc's top post.

The conservative Portuguese prime minister was unanimously nominated by the 25 EU leaders late Tuesday at what may have been the fastest summit in the bloc's history, lasting less than half an hour.

The selection ended weeks of wrangling -- notably among heavyweights Britain, France and Germany -- over who would replace Romano Prodi at the helm of the powerful EU executive for a five-year term beginning in November.

"We have gone through some difficult times and other difficulties will surely lie ahead, but we are tackling them in the right way and Jose Manuel Durao Barroso is the right person to hold this office of great responsibility and sensitivity," Prodi said.

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, whose country takes over the rotating EU presidency on Thursday, praised the Portuguese politician as a "model European" who could bridge the divides separating the bloc's member states.

"Mr. Barroso can be a binding force in Europe," Balkenende told reporters in The Hague.

Before taking the reins of the commission, however, he will have to withstand grilling during confirmation hearings next month at the European Parliament, where Socialists and Liberals have branded him the "lowest-common-denominator" candidate.

"Will he be capable and able to work for unifying European competitiveness and social engagement, so that nobody is pushed out of our society as a consequence of market forces?" the head of the Party of European Socialists, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, asked Wednesday.

But despite doubts from the left wing, the dominant conservative bloc in parliament will ensure the approval of the Portuguese leader, allowing him to take office November 1.

Durao Barroso, a Maoist revolutionary-turned middle-of-the-road statesman, will immediately be plunged into the messy task of dividing up seats on the commission at one of the most challenging junctures in EU history.

Each of the 25 nations will be granted a commissioner. But the race is already raging for the top posts including competition, the internal market and what is expected to be a newly created job of "super-commissioner" for economic and industrial policy.

"I think it's also important to have a good coordinated relationship with the heads of government but the decision of the distribution of the different portfolios is a responsibility of the president of the commission," said Durao Barroso, who has already been bombarded with wish lists from member states.

The 48-year-old will also lead the commission during what is expected to be an uphill battle to adopt the EU's first-ever constitution, which was agreed upon at a hard-fought summit this month.

After it is signed in Rome in November, the member nations will then have two years to ratify the historic document, either by parliamentary vote or by national referendum, before it is planned to take effect at the end of 2006.

Failure, which is far from impossible, would send the EU into a political tailspin that would test Durao Barroso's skills to the limit.

In December, EU leaders will face the loaded question of whether to launch membership negotiations with predominantly Muslim Turkey -- a move that will carry important political implications no matter how the decision falls.

Other long-term projects are no less daunting including pursuing further enlargement of the EU, overseeing the rules underpinning the euro and negotiating a budget to see the bloc through 2013.

With all the headaches that will likely come on Durao Barroso's watch, Britain's rejected candidate for the post, EU External Affairs Commissioner and the chancellor of Oxford University Chris Patten, hinted he was secretly pleased to be out of the running.

"I have spent part of this week in Oxford and I have to say that a couple of days in Oxford have left me feeling anything but disappointment that I won't be spending my next five years slogging around, responsible for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and all sorts of delights like that," he said.

Copyright © 2004 AFP.

quinta-feira, julho 01, 2004

Não me calo, por mais que, com o dedo
Tocando a boca ou fronte levemente,
Silêncio avises ou ameaces medo,

Não há-de haver um 'spírito valente?
O que se diz sempre se sentirá,
E nunca se dirá o que se sente?

Sem medo hoje que livre ofender vá,
Pode falar o engenho, confiado
Em que mor força o não ameaçará.

Em outras eras pôde ser pecado
Severo estudo, e a verdade nua;
E rompe o silêncio o bem falado.

Pois saiba quem o nega, ou o insinua,
Que língua a verdade é de Deus severo,
E que nunca foi muda a língua sua.

São a verdade, e Deus, Deus uno e vero,
Divina eternidade os não separa,
Nem nenhum do que o outro foi primeiro.

Se Deus, sendo a verdade, se adiantara
À verdade, concluir-se justo era
Que ao ser ela, ele de existir deixara.

A justiça de Deus é verdadeira,
E a misericórdia, e tudo quanto
É Deus, tudo há-de ser verdade inteira.

Senhor excelentíssimo, o meu pranto
já não consente margens, nem quer tê-las:
Será inundação a do meu canto.

Já que escorre nas faces amarelas,
A vista por duas umas derramada
Sobre os altares das duas Castelas.

Jaz aquela virtude desmanchada,
Que foi, se menos rica, mais tenida,
Em vaidade e em sono sepultada.

E aquela liberdade esclarecida,
Que quando pôde achar honrada morte,
Já não quis ter mais prolongada vida.

E pródiga da alma, nação forte,
Contava por afrontas só dos anos
Envelhecer nos braços só da sorte:

O ócio torpe do tempo, e os enganos
Da passagem das horas e do dia
Reputavam os nossos por profanos,

Ninguém contava o tempo que vivia,
Mas a maneira como; nem uma hora
Lograva sem afã sua valentia.

A robusta virtude era senhora,
Só ela dominava o povo rudo;
Tão apoucada idade vencedora,

O temor da mão forte dava escudo
Ao coração que nela confiado,
Todas as armas desprezou desnudo,

Multiplicou nas guerras um soldado
Sua honra cara e ânimo valente,
Só da sua honesta obrigação armado,

E sob o vasto céu aquela gente,
Se não a mais quieto, a mais honroso
Sono entregou os olhos, não a mente.

Fiava a esposa para seu esposo,
A mortalha primeiro que o vestido;
Menos o viu galã que perigoso.

Acompanhava ao lado do marido
Mais vezes nas fileiras que na cama;
Seguiu-o são e o vingou ferido.

Todas matronas, e nenhuma dama;
Pois que nomes de cortesão engano
Não admitia a sua severa fama.

Derramado, e sonoro, o Oceano
Era o divórcio das fulgentes minas
Que usurparam a paz do peito humano.

Nem lhes trouxe maneiras peregrinas
O áspero dinheiro, ou o Oriente
A honradez comprou com pedras finas.

Jóia foi a virtude pura e ardente;
Bala o merecimento e a louvança;
Apenas se queria ser decente.

Não dependeu da pena então a lança
Nem cântabro com caixas e tinteiros
Do campo fez herdade, mas matança.

E Espanha com legítimos dinheiros,
Não mendigando o crédito a Ligúria,
Antes quis os turbantes do que os zeros.

Menor a perda fora e a injúria,
Se se volvessem musas os assentos,
Que esta usura é pior que aquela fúria.

Envelheciam aves pelos ventos,
E expirava decrépito o veado;
Grande velhice houve nos elementos.

Que então o ventre, bem disciplinado,
o bastante buscava, e não fartura,
E a garganta estava sem pecado.

Do maior infanção daquela pura
República de grandes homens, era
Uma vaca sustento e armadura.

Não viera ainda, ao gosto lisonjeira
A pimenta engelhada, nem do cravo
A adulação fragrante e forasteira.

Carneiro e vaca foi principio e cabo,
E com rubros pimentos e alhos duros,
Tão bem como o senhor comeu o escravo.

Bebeu a sede nos arroios puros:
Depois mostraram o caminho a Baco
Lá das gáveas os brindes mal seguros.

O rosto macilento, o corpo fraco,
Eram memória do trabalho honroso,
E honra e proveito andavam em um saco.

Afoito pôde um espanhol iroso
os tudescos tratar de bacanais,
E ao holandês de hereje e aleivoso.

Pôde acusar os zelos desiguais
À Itália; hoje porém de muitos modos
Somos cópias, se não originais,

As descendências gastam muitos godos,
Todos blasonam, ninguém os imita;
E não são descendentes, mas apodos.

Veio o caro betume, que vomita
A baleia, ou as ondas espumaram,
Que o vício, e não o odor, nos acredita.

E as hostes espanholas eis ficaram
Bem perfumadas, mas mal dirigidas,
E alfaias só peles se notaram.

Estavam as façanhas mal vestidas,
E de mais que burel havia gana
A vaidade de fêmeas presumidas,

À majestosa seda siciliana
Que manchou roxo múrice, o romano
E o ouro, fizeram áspera tirana.

Nunca ao duro espanhol o verme insano
Persuadiu que vestisse sua mortalha
Intercedendo o Verão quente e ufano.

Hoje a honra despreza o que trabalha,
E então foi o trabalho executória,
E o vício o estigma próprio da canalha.

Pretende o alentado jovem, glória,
Por deixar a vacada sem marido,
E ofende de Ceres a memória.

Um animal para o labor nascido,
E símbolo querido dos mortais,
Que a Jove foi disfarce e foi vestido;

Que em tempo endureceu as mãos reais,
E atrás dele os cônsules gemeram,
E luz comia em campos celestiais;

Porque inimigo ardor se convenceram
Que o apoucamento seu fosse façanha
E às messes uma ofensa tal fizeram?

Que coisa é ver um infanção de Espanha,
Encolhido na sela, e à gineta
E gastar um cavalo numa cana!

Que na infância a um galo ele acometa
Com semelhante arma, isso percebo;
Mas não na idade adulta e já completa.

Exercite suas forças o mancebo
Em frente de esquadrões, e não na frente
Do útil bruto do azevinho o cepo.

Chama-o o clarim de guerra diligente,
Dando força de lei o vento vão
E esteja ao som o exército obediente,

Corri quanta majestade ocupa a mão
A lança, e o mosquete pesa ao ombro,
De quem se atreve a ser bom castelhão!

Com mais asco dentre outros desescombro
O que da sua pessoa, sem decoro
Antes quer nota dar que dar assombro.

Gineta e canas são contágio mouro;
Restituam-se justas e torneios,
Façam pazes as capas com o touro.

Passai-nos vós de jogos a trofeus,
Que só um grande rei, ou um abastado,
Pode entregar-se a esses devaneios.

Vós que nos repetis séc'lo passado,
Corri desembaraçar-nos as pessoas
E a tirar os membros de cuidado.

Com as valonas liberdades doas
P'ra que sejam corteses as cabeças,
Desnudando o enfado às coroas.

E, visto que emendais delicadezas,
Dai pois à melhor parte medicina;
E tornem-se os tablados fortalezas.

Que a estrela cortês, que vos inclina
A conviver sem ódio nem vingança
Milagre que à inveja desatina,

Tem por única bem-aventurança
o reconhecimento temeroso,
Não presumida e cega confiança.

Se vos deu o ascendente generoso
Escudos de armas e de brasões plenos,
E por timbre o martírio glorioso,

Por vós melhores sejam os supremos
Guzmans, e a cumeada desdenhosa
Vos mostre a seu pesar campos serenos,

Lograi idade, pois, tão venturosa;
E quando nossas forças examina
Perseguição unida e belicosa,

A militar valente disciplina
Tenha mais praticantes do que a praça;
Descansem tela falsa, e tela fina.

A marlota se deixe p'la couraça,
E se o Corpus com danças os não pede
Velilhos e ouropel não façam vaza.

O que em trinta lacaios os divide,
Faz sorte contra o touro, e com um dedo
A faz nele a vara com que os mede.

Mandai assim, e achareis bem cedo
Que mais restaurareis do que Pelayo;
Valerá por exércitos o medo,
Ver-vos-á o céu administrar seu raio

- Francisco de Quevedo