terça-feira, julho 20, 2004


Fazem hoje 35 anos que o primeiro ser humano pisou a superfície lunar!

Como disse na altura Neil Armstrong:
"A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind!"

Man in the Moon

On a cold desperate night
My Eyes did turn to heaven
And there I did spot
A Friend in the Moon

"Friend," did I plee
"Why are you showing
That kind hearted smile?
Is there something you see?

"Perhaps a couple
Strolling in love?
Or a small deer
Being born in a grove?

"Man in the Moon,
Answer me please.
Why it's starting to look
Like your laughing at me?!

"Oh dear Man,
How can you turn?
I who adore you,
As you smirk on the moon.

"Your eyes
They are shaded.
Your sneer,
It is jaded.

- Ancient Cree Moon Chant