terça-feira, agosto 08, 2006


Hoje, a Lua está Cheia.
E que Bela...

A Lua-Cheia representa as profundezas do inconsciente, a reflexão, influências em vários aspectos das nossas vidas.

A Lua Cheia simboliza fertilidade, poder, sensualidade, emoções femininas, mostra como lidar com essas emoções e traz lembranças de vidas passadas.

Como as Marés Plenas - o fluxo e refluxo, a geração, a plenitude.

Rights of Man - Celtic Harp (mp3)

Why does this sudden passion smite me?
I stretch my hands all blind to see:
I need the lamp of the world to light me,
Lead me and set me free.

Something a moment seemed to stoop from
The night with cool cool breath on my face
Or did the hair of the twilight droop from
Its silent wandering ways?

About me in the thick wood netted
The wizard glow looks human-wise;
And over the tree-tops barred and fretted
Ponders with strange old eyes.

The tremulous lips of air blow by me
And hymn their time-old melody:
Its secret strain comes nigh and nigh me:
"Ah, brother, come with me;

'For here the ancient mother lingers
To dip her hands in the diamond dew,
And lave thine ache with cloud-cool fingers
Till sorrow die from you."

- A. E., Mystery (Irish)